
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Other Wes Moore: Chapters 7- Epilouge

Hello, if there is still trouble seeing this post I have the google doc linked below. The last stretch, the closing of the book, comes to surface as it begins to conclude the lives and fates of both Wes Moore’s. One one hand we have the author Wes Moor, taking advantage of opportunities And on the other you have the “other” Wes Moore who also takes advantage of a few last given opportunities to move his life in the benefiting direction. To his already corrupt and troublesome footprint he has left in which reflects himself, his fate seems clear. But what all comes is not what comes to these characters, but to the decisions they chose to make, live or stand by. After retrieving the themes from past blogs, another theme came into curation in regards to the closing of the book. The theme follows, stand for who you are, not based on others expectation, but on your belief of what your purpose is to the world. Although lengthy, the theme specifically bases itself off of self control and disc